Empower Your Journey with JamaaWealth: Women Building Wealth

Welcome to JamaaWealth! 

We’re on a mission to help women unlock the doors of financial wealth and well-being to achieve financial freedom and family wealth. The name “Jamaa” means family in Swahili, and we believe that family wealth begins with the strength and knowledge of women, who serve as the first teachers and influencers of their children.

Picture this: a life where money stress no longer keeps you up at night, where your debts are steadily decreasing, your net worth is on the rise, and you’re effortlessly building wealth. 

It’s not a dream; it’s your future, and I’m here to help you make it a reality.

I’ve been exactly where you are, feeling money stress and overwhelmed by debt, and wanting to have something tangible to show for my hard work.  

But, I cracked the code to financial freedom, and now, I’m here to share that knowledge with you.

I want you to understand money so you can use it as a tool to build the life you want and achieve financial freedom on your terms.


First, we start with awareness: Imagine waking up each day with complete clarity about your finances.  This clarity begins with you understanding your money mindset, income, expenses, debts, and assets.


Then we lay your foundation: Imagine navigating your life and finances with ease, where financial hiccups are minor inconveniences.  This is all possible with proper planning, money systems, debt management, savings, investments, and protecting your income and assets.

Self Care

This blog isn’t just about numbers and spreadsheets. It’s also about personal growth, self-care, and wellness because managing your finances is a form of self-care.

Your Journey

Financial freedom is closer than you think.  We believe that small steps forward leads to big financial transformations.  Trust the process, create your foundation, prioritize you, pay yourself first, and build long term wealth. 

Stay tuned for more valuable insights, and join me LIVE on Instagram every Tuesday for Teaching Tuesdays, where you can ask questions and learn essential money skills for your journey.

So, what are you most excited to learn on your path to freedom?  Let me know in the comments below.